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Ukraine's attacks on Russian commanders have the US Army worried about its own command posts


Business insider beskriver i denne artikel nogle af de samme problemstillinger som Hæren identificerede i forbindelse med tegningen af 1. Brigade i 2017. Moderne ISR kapaciteter, koblet med langtrækkende artilleri gør hovedkvarterer og logistikområder til sårbare og oplagte mål.

Hæren valgte et innovativt og i manges øjne dristigt føringskoncept, som er forud for vores allierede - men hvad med logistikken?

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  • Ukraine's military has been using its long-range weapons to attack Russian command posts.

  • Such attacks have affected Russian command and control, disrupting its troops' ability to operate.

  • Some US Army leaders worry that their command posts are now more vulnerable.

Ukraine's success in destroying Russian command posts has raised a troubling question for the US military: If Ukraine can do this to Russian headquarters, can other militaries, especially China's, do it to American HQs?

Command posts are battlefield nodes for commanders, intelligence and communications specialists, and other troops who oversee military operations. They are usually packed with electronic equipment and are hubs for vehicle traffic, giving them a distinct electronic and physical footprint.

In recent wars, facing diminished threats from the air and long-range weapons, US Army command posts have gotten larger, with more people and more emissions, and can easily be spotted and struck by the sensors and precision weapons now crowding the battlefield.

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