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Jes Møller Nielsen
27. apr. 20221 min læsning
Den landmilitære logistik
I dansk sammenhæng opdeles hærens enheder i efterretningsenheder, kampenheder, ildstøtteenheder, ingeniørenheder, logistikenheder og...
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26. apr. 20221 min læsning
25 bloodless battles: Synthetic training will help prepare for current and future operations
WASHINGTON — The U.S. military is working at lightning speed to ensure training aligns with the growing complexity of today’s operational...
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26. apr. 20221 min læsning
Javelins are good, but it is artillery strikes that coined Ukraine’s military success
It were artillery strikes and combined-arms warfare, not western-delivered hand-held weapons and hit-and-run tactics, that coined...
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